Google 算法更新:针对付费外链与垃圾链接打击

Google 更新新算法

2021 年 7 月 26日,Google博客发布推出“Link Spam Update”,本次算法更新主要针对垃圾链接和付费外链进行打击。


涉及语言:所有语言和地区发布时间:7 月 27 日发布,2 周内完全上线(预计 8 月 9 日发布完成)


Affiliate links,即参与联盟营销获得的链接,类似国内通过淘客推广获得的链接。

Sponsored and guest posts,即赞助和访客的文章链接

Affiliate links 联盟链接:


原文:Affiliate links on pages such as product reviews or shopping guides are a common way for blogs and publishers to monetize their traffic. In general, using affiliate links to monetize a website is fine. We ask sites participating in affiliate programs to qualify these links with rel=”sponsored”, regardless of whether these links were created manually or dynamically.

Google 称,针对于变现网站是允许的,但对这些联盟商品的链接添加上 rel=”sponsored” , 这个标签就是告诉 Google:这个产品是有赞助含义的,并不算自然的推荐。如果站长没有添加 rel=”sponsored” 这个标签,Google 会通过算法或 “人工处理” 的方式取消这部分链接的效果,以避免对搜索排序的影响。

Sponsored and guest posts  赞助和访客的文章:


原文:Another common way sites can monetize is by accepting sponsored and guest posts from other sites. These are articles written by or in the name of one website and published on a different website. In the past, we observed campaigns of low quality sponsored and guest posts primarily intended to gain links.


网站另一种常见的盈利方式是接受其他网站的赞助和访客帖子。这些文章由一个网站撰写或以该网站的名义发表在另一个网站上。在过去,我们观察到低质量的赞助商和嘉宾帖子的活动主要是为了获得链接,建议增加上 rel=”sponsored” 和 rel=”nofollow”,否则,也会受到“人工处理”和算法影响。

Link spam 打击垃圾邮件链接

原文:In our continued efforts to improve the quality of the search results, we’re launching a new link spam fighting change today — which we call the “link spam update.” This algorithm update, which will rollout across the next two weeks, is even more effective at identifying and nullifying link spam more broadly, across multiple languages. Sites taking part in link spam will see changes in Search as those links are re-assessed by our algorithms.






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